Does the OIG investigate individuals or companies that conduct business with the County?

Yes. The OIG may investigate any individual or entity that either is doing business with Nassau County or which, through the submission of a bid, proposal or application, expresses interest in doing business with the County.

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1. Who may file a complaint with the OIG?
2. What kind of complaints does the OIG investigate?
3. Does the OIG investigate individuals or companies that conduct business with the County?
4. How do I file a complaint with the OIG?
5. Can I request that my identity be kept confidential?
6. Do I have to identify myself if I make a complaint to the OIG?
7. What information should I include in my complaint?
8. What should I do if I acquire more information after I have submitted a complaint?
9. What do the terms fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement mean?
10. What is an example of a conflict-of-interest?
11. What is an example of fraud?
12. What is an example of waste?
13. What is an example of misconduct?
14. What is an example of abuse?