What should I expect during an investigation?

Complaints are filed with the Department of Consumer Affairs by consumers, usually after attempts to resolve a dispute are not successful. Consumer Protection Investigators or Weights and Measures Inspectors gather facts and relevant documents, determine whether a complaint is valid, attempt to mediate a resolution, and may issue a violation(s) if warranted. An Administrative Hearing will be scheduled for the Respondent (contractor or merchant) to offer a defense to any violation issued. Prior to a hearing, the respondent and the Consumer Protection Investigator or the Weights & Measures Inspector, may negotiate a settlement of the violation fines, and a resolution of the consumer complaint, which will be set forth in a Stipulation of Settlement, signed by the Respondent and the Department of Consumer Affairs, and, if required, by the Consumer.

Show All Answers

1. What should I expect during an investigation?
2. What Should I expect at a Violation Hearing?
3. What are the legal rights of respondents in hearings?
4. What are the possible outcomes of a violation hearing?
5. What are my rights to appeal?